In a classic poker chip set containing white, red and blue chips, blue chips are the highest chip denomination. A typical valuation might be as follows – white $1, red $5, blue $10. Due to traditionally being the highest value chip, the term ‘blue chip’ is used in the finance/investing world to indicate that a certain stock/trade is a solid profitable investment.
In this guide we’ll learn the following -
How Much are Blue Chips Worth in Poker?
Blue chips are often worth $10. However, chipsets for home games are typically unmarked so we could technically make the chips any value that we want. Casino chips are usually marked with their specific value, but it is not guaranteed that every casino will follow the same system, so it is always good to double check.
What is a ‘Blue Chip’ Investment?
Since blue chips are the highest value chips in a classic three-color poker chipset, the term ‘blue chip’ is used in the finance/investing world to indicate that a certain stock/trade is a solid profitable investment. Although blue chips are traditionally the highest, introduction of new color chips mean that blue is often not the highest value chip in modern poker games.
Are Blue Chips the Highest Value Chips in Poker?
Yes, but only in a classic three-color poker chipset with white, red and blue chips. It is common for modern poker games to run with additional higher value chips. In many poker games the highest chip denomination is the black chip (often worth $100) but high stakes games may run with even more colors forhigher value chips.
Are Black Chips Worth More than Blue Chips?
Generally, yes. Black chips are often worth $100 while blue chips are often worth $10. In between the blue and black chips are the green chips which are often worth $25. Not all poker games will have green and black chips however, some may just run with white, red and blue. In such cases, blue is the highest. Not all poker casinos follow the same system, so it is always good to double check.
Summary of Blue Chips
The key takeaway is that blue chips are usually worth $10 and that in a classic three-color poker chipset they are the highest value chip.
However, there is no law against having different colors for different chip values, so it really depends on the casino. Why not check out the 888 guide to chip values and see some different chip valuing systems?